Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is Walmart Vision Center Valid With Vsp Insurance

jam out! Remembering Children

day off and I simply did not post anything. I have no choice!
had planned to publish a stitch embroidery but I need to prepare a background graphic or a video, because for most who read what I have prepared still think I did very complicated instructions. While achieving them more simple I want to share a photograph that I like.

was on my vacation last year in my parents' house. I took some yarn for weaving on the road, I and my nephew tells me: "Auntie, I teach? and I: Sure!

made several scarves, one of them I gave it to me and the other sold. Hehehehe.

Then I realized that the stereotypes are the adults. He looked more relaxed than knits and weaves. As far as I reported then not followed weaving, however, and met the experience and know that you like. At some point I will return and if not, it does not matter, what counts is not merely to meet new experiencias y eso me da mucho gusto. Muchas felicidades mi niño!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sanyo Batteries At Walmart

German knitting Slipper Eggplant

Hoy estoy triste. Son las 10:00 pm y sigo triste. Desde la mañana trato de contener la tristeza.
Lo mas decente es recordar que hoy viernes TOCA.
Te extrañaré mucho, German. Desde hace mucho estrenaba mi día leyéndote. Siempre me encantó la manera en la que presentabas como protagonista a los detalles finos. En tu honor, espero que MONTIEL no duerma. Y si lo hace, que sueñe con tus incisivos comentarios.

Me encantó un comentario en El Norte q decía algo así como: Éramos muy amigos, todos los días desayunábamos juntos, quizá nunca lo supiste, pero telling me your life and I enjoyed it ... something ... I project, mirroring me ...