Monday, October 29, 2007

Gay In Public Loo Vid

Puzzle your coconut with ammonia


l ammonia consists of NH3-ended molecules. Hydrogen atoms are equivalent. The molecule has, therefore, pyramidal form that is has a sp3 hybridization, where three of the orbital overlap with the hydrogen and the remainder stays with the unshared electrons. The bond angles are slightly smaller than those of a tetrahedron due to the lone pair electron cloud that reduces to an angle of 107 º 20 '. Nitrogen occupies the apex of a pyramid, whose base is an equilateral triangle formed by the three hydrogen atoms.

have ammonia in the hydrogen atoms attached to nitrogen , which is a small electronegative atom, so that the ammonia present links intermolecular hydrogen points as the water molecule.

The fact that the ammonia present this type of link between the molecules makes their points fu sion and boiling, the heat of vaporization, dielectric constant, etc. ... are abnormally high.

1.2 Molecular geometry of ammonia

According to VSEPR, electron pairs of valence of nitrogen in the molecule is oriented towards the vertices of a tetrahedron , distribution feature when there is hybridization sp ³ . There is a lone pair, so that the geometry of the molecule is trigonal pyramidal (C3v point group symmetry). In aqueous solution can behave as a base and form the ion ammonium, NH4 +, with a hydrogen atom at each vertex of the tetrahedron:

1.3 Characteristics of ammonia

Formula: NH3

Molecular weight: 17'032

Boiling point: '35 -33 º C

Solubility (Volume in CN by volume of H2O) :

Freezing Point: '7 -77 º C

critical temperature: 132'4 º C

density in CN: 0'7710 gr. / l

1.4 Physical and chemical properties of ammonia

  • at room temperature is a difficult liquefiable gas. The high melting and boiling points with result of the strong association of molecules, due to their polar and the possibility of N to form bonds with H.
  • is a colorless gas and has a characteristic pungent odor that irritates the eyes and caustic taste. It is very soluble in water.
  • The liquid ammonia been very little conductor of electricity, much less than water. And the characteristics of the molecule is an ionizing solvent. In this state the ammonia is used as a refrigerant and as a solvent. Burns in the presence of pure oxygen with a flame little light, giving off water vapor and nitrogen. If you raise the pressure of the mixture of pure oxygen and ammonia, the result can be a blast.
  • is stable at room temperature but decomposes by the action of heat.
  • The reaction of ammonia with metals, especially alkaline and alkaline, can give rise to amides, imides or nitrides .
  • more is lighter than air, has a density of 0.6
  • Acid-Base Character: chemical reactions in ammonia can act as the base. This behavior is explained immediately recalling electronic structure. The nitrogen lone pair can share with another molecule or ion that has an empty orbital, forming a coordinate covalent bond. So can accept a proton:

H2O + NH3 NH4 + + OH-

words, it behaves as a weak base of Brönsted - Lowry , as used in many

moderate reactions as a source of OH-

  • Redox Character: because in it the number of oxidation of N is -3, which is the lowest possible, only NH3 act as a reductant in redox reactions . For example, at high temperature is oxidized with molecular oxygen:
4 NH3 + 5O2 6H2O + 4NO

1.5 Preparation of ammonia

1, Form: The laboratory method more stream of ammonia is obtained by an acid-base displacement, ie, displacing the weak base ammonium salt of a strong base. Commonly used hydroxide calcium:

2NH4Cl + Ca ( OH) 2 CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2 NH3

2 nd Form: At the industry level using the process Haber-Bosch , which consists of the synthesis from its elements:

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 H = -92.4 KJ

This equation is an example of balance. So use the principle of Le Chatelier to calculate the optimum conditions. According to this principle would have to get a low temperature and high pressure. But at a low temperature the reaction rate is extremely slow. For these causes the formation of ammonia takes place between 400-500 ° C through an iron oxide catalyst, and about 1000 atm pressure getting yields of 50 to 70%.

the ammonia is generally obtained in the laboratory by heating an ammonium salt

with slaked lime or sodium hydroxide. The ionic equation for the reaction is:

NH4 + + OH! NH3 + H20

1.6 Applications of ammonia

is used to obtain ammonium salts, used as fertilizer. Another great part is intended to obtain NO, nitric acid and nitrates. It is also used as said before, coolant.


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