Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bad Lookin Finger Nails

Republic: A story broken by the binomial

The Second Republic (1931-1936), post-dictatorship Primo de Rivera, awakened social consciousness to change the existing government. This is illustrated for the first time April 12, 1931, when carrying out a referendum on the system of Spain, asking people what they preferred, if the republic or the monarchy. After demonstrations in favor of the Republic, eventually won the Republicans and the Second Republic was established on April 14, 1931 giving intense early stage, but unfortunately short, improving the level of education and access to the culture of the English population. Absolute necessity if we consider that in 1931 the illiteracy rate stood at 44'3% and that most of the literate population was foreign to books and culture and that only four million of the twenty who formed the population of our country in 1934, had access to books and newspapers. This painful situation was even worse in rural areas, where he lived most of the population.

The 1931 Constitution was approved in December of that year and Don respect to education, we see Article 48 in December e:
Primary education will be free and compulsory.
Education shall be secular, will work the core of its business methodology and will build on the ideals of human solidarity.
Churches is recognized the right, subject to inspection by the State, to teach their doctrines in their own establishments.
The Second English Republic was a short time, insufficient time in which there are three periods of the same, hence the expression "three republics into a"
  1. First, we can distinguish a feat biennium (1931-33) . This is a period characterized by progress in education, for the renewal of primary education that would build on the momentum that led to the construction of schools to remedy the historical lack of school places, improving teacher training, the dignify the figure of the teacher, the consecration of academic freedom and freedom of conscience, the expansion of the templates of the teachers, higher salaries, teacher training colleges were reformed, created the Board of Missions teaching, the introduction of coeducation and new methodologies, implementation of the School Councils, the dissolution of the Society of Jesus, etc..
  2. In this first period was followed by a radical biennium CEDA (1933-1935), coalition of radicals and Catholics. With regard to education can be said that there was a counter, an involution of some of the achievements of the previous period: decrease in the rate of school buildings, prohibition of coeducation in primary schools, reform of the inspection, reverse in university education. However, much attention was paid to Bachelor .
  3. And Popular Front (from 16 February to July 1936). attended by the leftist parties (Republicans, socialists and communists) in a joint venture, in a turbulent time , characterized by social tension and intolerance by the extreme right and extreme left. During these months, there occurred serious confrontations, which were a prelude to the tragic military uprising of July.
Of these three terms are extracted then the great principles of education, that most were approved at the beginning of this new state-
  • Bilingualism: we recognize the existence of different languages.
  • Reorganization of the Board of Education.
  • Religious education: controls and suppresses the compulsory teaching of religion, based on religious freedom, freedom of conscience of the child and the teacher.
  • Creating Educational Mission: 1 whose aim was to extend general culture or upgrade teacher education in villages, towns and villages in need.
  • Attention to primary school because they thought it was the cornerstone of education. It proposed the construction of 27,000 schools (the most important challenge) to enroll one million children not attending school because at that time there was. Building would be through a Five-Year Plan:
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The problem was they needed funding, about 400 million pesetas through public debt. We must realize that at this time there is a recession (the crack of 29). In the end, schools were not built to be believed.

It seeks to provide an education law in line with the thinking of the Second Republic with the following basic principles : Public education should be secular. The school must provide information only about the history of religions and other stuff more, must be free education, especially primary education should be active and creative in nature, defense of coeducation.

was the golden age of pedagogy and education, was a time where for the first time in our country, culture is understood as a common good and not something reserved for the privileged classes, was impressive effort in promoting reading and the creation, organization and improvement of public libraries ... and was also a period shadows while light had.


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