1 .- I'm bipolar.
2 .- View my vacancies walk and feel my job makes me re-evaluate matters the 8 hrs I spend on this place.
3 .- My sister sent me lots of good vibes.
4 .- All of the above.
The 4 th option reminds me of my social science teacher high school . It was very good except that I did not like their tools to check our learning. Used to do multiple tests of confusion, oriented to approve only those that were 100% sure of the answer. The choices were almost always:
D) All of the above,
E) A and B but not C,
the time came to subsection F) I was already mad. More than enough to say, I failed and went to extraordinary, where I spent a decent 8. Fortunately Philosophy could not give us the next course and I spent half of the most delicious between dialectical materialism and the Greek philosophers.
back to my frustrations at work, I will ever post the most bizarre reasons I have given for rejecting a candidate ... while I will continue with my vest traveler (because yew path to work, while my husband drives.) I think I will be loose and stitch caladita basic and already I do not like at all. I hope to finish here at the weekend to see if it completely rout or leave it at that.
Lanezi the north with my doubts Saroyan. I have not had time to see the videos but I am sure I will be very helpful. After you finish the vest, I will continue with this project and presume (take the opportunity to find a more beautiful yarn that I have).
And speaking of cacahuatitos with chile ... It is unlikely that you read this message, but I want to thank my mother for making my house livable.
Until next time.
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