Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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Russia's oligarchs

Reviled by the vast majority of Russians, wealthy Russian oligarchs have decided to step forward to stand for election, though few predict them good results.

"I do not know what is to be of right, left or center. All slogans uttered, but do not offer anything constructive to change," said billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, owner of Club New Jersey Nets of the NBA.

Prokhorov last week became the first oligarch who decides to jump into politics since 2003, the year he was arrested the tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who paid dearly for their decision to fund opposition to the Kremlin.

The Russian businessman intends to lead the game Just Cause (CJ), which was created by the Kremlin in 2008 from the ashes of the conservative Union of Right Forces, representing the great capital, to rally the votes of the urban middle class.

Image. The oligarchs are very unpopular with the Russians, who relate their wealth with the fraudulent privatizations possoviéticas the end of the last century many Russians condemned to abject poverty.

During the recent financial crisis, tycoons Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska or lost much of their wealth accumulated in many cases thanks to stock market speculation, but that was not the case Prokhorov.

Moreover, a group of Russian citizens has proposed the imprisoned since 2005 Khodorkovsky, once the richest man in Russia, as the sole candidate of the opposition to the Kremlin in the presidential elections of 2012, which started collecting signatures on a website (www.khodorkovsky-president.ru).

"The figure of Khodorkovsky could unify not only liberals, but a significant part of the opposition, which must submit an application symbol of resistance that is relentless power," write the authors of the initiative.

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to flirt with NATO launched its first major raid on Ecuadorian

At least 15 blasts NATO allies have shaken the Libyan capital on Tuesday in what has been the largest operation air strikes since the start of military mission in Libya. According to the Gaddafi regime, the attacks have left at least three dead and 150 wounded, reported in its online edition the Washington Post.
The bombings have apparently reached the residential complex of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, although a government spokesman said it would have been a military officer in the military. He added that most of the victims were civilians living in the vicinity of the building affected by the attack.
planes and boats have been attacking military alliance cities and military installations from mid-March. NATO has been recent weeks planning to level in their offensive to protect the Libyan population, which asks Gaddafi leaves office.
Libyan Officials say that NATO is taking sides in a civil war and ensure that attacks on Gaddafi's residence are attempts to assassinate the Libyan leader.
For its part, France has announced it is looking to deploy helicopters to the area. With this operation, which would have the cooperation of the United Kingdom, would allow greater precision in the mission, but probably would expose troops to greater danger.