Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are Hives A Sign Of Aurthritis

The Obama visit to Queen Elizabeth II in England

Queen Elizabeth II of England today welcomed at Buckingham Palace to the U.S. president, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle, with a ceremony full of pomp and circumstance that marks the beginning of a state visit three days.

On a bright day and a slight breeze in London, after a greeting for the cameras at the arrival of the presidential couple, Obama and his wife, wearing a print dress in white, mint green and gray with matching belt and a bright pink bolero jacket sleeve three rooms, heard the national anthem from the west of the palace balcony. Beside

were Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a dress and light blue silk jacket with matching hat, and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Behind them were the heir to the British Crown Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, who selected for the occasion a bone-colored suit with matching hat.

then Prince Felipe accompanied Obama to reviewing the guard of honor of the queen, the First Battalion of the Scots Guards under the command and Rory Shannon, while the Queen and I watched Michelle Obama and talking quietly.

This battalion of the Scots Guard returned last October from the war in Afghanistan.

from the nearby Green Park on the 41 gun salute sounded reserved to greet a visiting head of state.

After completing the review, the honor guard marched to the leaders, while Obama praised the queen, in whispers, that the quality of military training.

Before the ceremony, Obama had met briefly with Prince William, the eldest son of Prince Charles and second in line of succession, and his new wife, Catherine.

It so happens that Obama will occupy during their stay of two nights at Buckingham Palace the same suite of six rooms in which the newlyweds spent their wedding night on 29 April.
According to a palace official said, "can not sleep in the same room, but is the same suite occupied by the Duke of Cambridge.

The president and his wife arrived in London last night, ahead of his landing in almost thirteen hours due to the ash cloud from the volcano Icelandic Grimsvoetn.

The protocol for a state visit provides that the president is staying at Buckingham Palace, but the unexpected development was that the head of state overnight at Winfield House, the U.S. ambassador's residence in London.

After an informal lunch with the British sovereign, Obama now plans to participate in a ceremony to lay a wreath at Westminster Abbey and receive the homage of the Queen at a state dinner.

will also meet briefly with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, leader of the opposition Labour Party, Ed Miliband.

On Wednesday, Obama held a bilateral Cameron completed, with which will offer a joint press conference, and deliver a speech on transatlantic relations before the British Parliament.

In his meeting with Prime Minister both are expected to address issues such as combating terrorism and the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan following the death last day 1 of the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden.

also address NATO's intervention in Libya, demanding civil unrest in the Middle East political changes and economic crisis. Both claim

today in a joint article published in the newspaper "The Times" that will support those in the Arab world and Middle East "aspire to freedom from repression."

"We will help those who laid the foundations of democracy. Because democracy and respect for human rights are good for the citizens of that region and they are also an essential part of the antidote to the instability and extremism that threaten our security" they write.
Obama is in London within a six-day tour of Europe that has already taken him to Dublin, during which will also visit France, to attend the G8 summit, and Poland. /


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