Monday, May 23, 2011

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UN Palestinian state will not lose

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, said yesterday before pro-Israel groups in Washington that the UN votes ever created a State independent Palestinian and reiterated that his country's commitment to Israel's security is "unwavering."

Before the Annual Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs, the main Jewish lobby in the U.S., Obama made clear his full support to Israel. While

assumed that the UN would not create an independent Palestinian state, as demanded by the Palestinians and much of the international community, Obama called on Hamas to recognize Israel.

Obama also attacked the Palestinian reconciliation agreement between Fatah, which governs the West Bank, and Hamas, in charge of Gaza, saying it is "an major obstacle to peace.

U.S. President went further in his speech and said that peace can not be "imposed" on Israel and its neighbors. But he said that Israel should soon reach a peace agreement due to rapidly changing environment that we are living in Arab countries and population growth is occurring in the occupied territories, and can make it increasingly difficult to maintain peace. "We have to face some facts. The first is that the number of Palestinians living west of the Jordan River is growing rapidly, and fundamentally reshaped the demographic reality is both Israel and the Palestinian territories, "he said. "This makes it harder and harder, without a peace agreement, maintain Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," he added. And the third factor is the emergence of a "new Arab generation is reshaping the region. Achieving a just and lasting peace can no longer depend on one or two Arab leaders. Looking ahead, millions of Arab citizens who have to see that it is possible to achieve a lasting peace. "

On Thursday, Obama said he recognized that the borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state must be based on those of 1967, prompting an immediate response Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Yesterday, U.S. President hue and said his position was "distorted" and ignored his call to be made of land exchanges. This means that the parties themselves, Israelis and Palestinians negotiate a border that is different from that which existed on June 4, 1967, "he said.

On September 2 resumed peace talks between leaders of Palestine and Israel in Washington. The Palestinians called for an end to illegal settlements in Palestinian sacred territory. Requesting a moratorium on Israeli settlement in the West Bank while negotiations were developed of paz.Israel has steadfastly refused to meet with the Palestinian request, so far the dialogue remains stalled. The

invaded East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank, totaling 6,200 kilometers in total square of about 15 000 who initially belonged to the Palestinians, were the only territories that were in this village after the UN decided in 1948 from the territory to give a part of the new State of Israel.

Humanitarian Crisis,
During the Six Day War in June 1967, Israel invaded East Jerusalem, which had been assigned to Palestine. Currently, Gaza is a territory still keeps busy with a persistent and deepening humanitarian crisis due to economic and commercial blockade imposed by Tel Aviv for four years.

This lock remains closed border crossings necessary for Palestinian humanitarian assistance, food and fuel.

After the invasion of Israel to Palestinian territory, the Israeli government began building thousands of settlements in East Jerusalem. Troops and authorities there have been evicted from their houses of Palestinian residents by force. The Palestinians have 63 years trying to vindicate their right to exist as an independent state and regain the territory that Israel systematically taking away from them continues the force of arms, without the international community do something to stop it.


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