Friday, May 20, 2011

Scooter Wheelsgreen Core

Wave of demonstrations Chile looming

With slogans of "All the streets" and "That all Chile is pronounced" students and workers organizations called for protest marches against the Government for this weekend.

"We will express ourselves as we want to express: very hard for the government to listen," said the president of the National Association of Public Employees, Raúl de la Puente, whose union joined the call for protest on Saturday May 21 , coinciding with the annual review of La Moneda.

De la Puente has not ruled out even in such demonstrations emphasize the suppression of the forces police, but will not prevent, he said, as massive are demanding better working conditions, justice for the Mapuche people and to the commercialization in education. "There will be more repression, but we will not be afraid. They are going to be, I believe, the most massive demonstrations that occurred in recent years in the May 21 celebrations," he said. Forces

environmentalists for its part argued that today there will be acts of civil unrest in several cities, in particular against Hidroaysén energy megaproject.


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