Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Do Sinuses Look Like

disturbances caused 32 deaths

At least 32 people were killed in Syria in a new day of political protests that were suppressed by security forces in a dozen cities and small towns across the country, according to human rights activists. Razan

Zeituna, an advocate of so-called Local Coordination Committees, which gather information on protests and police action, told Efe that until late yesterday afternoon, the death toll reached 32 people.

According to this organization, the largest number of victims occurred in suburbs of central cities of Hama and Hams, with dozens of deaths in each place.

DECEASED. These victims include a 11 year old boy and a 16, according to the reports of the Local Coordination Committees, which provide the names of all victims Yesterday's fatal.

addition to victims of Hama and Homs, there were four deaths in a suburb of Damascus, cabbage, and the other victims were in the towns of Sanamein, 30 miles south of the capital, and near Dera, near to the Jordanian border.

All reports obtained by opposition activists and human rights organizations can not be contrasted by official restrictions imposed by the regime of Bashar al-Asad told reporters.

The Damascus regime imposed a tight control of information, expelling foreign journalists, and detained Syrian reporters working with international media.

There were also demonstrations in the towns of northern, central and southern Iraq, where there is a strong concentration of people of Kurdish origin. To highlight

Bashar al-Assad accused foreign countries and groups interested in creating instability in Syria

Obama said that Assad "has the opportunity to lead the transition or out of the way." Important figures

1,000 deaths recorded since mid-March because of a series of political protests. Most of them were civilians and opposition activists.

20 are cities and towns in the Arab country where demonstrations have been made against President Bashar al-Assad, calling for elections.


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