Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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Russia's oligarchs

Reviled by the vast majority of Russians, wealthy Russian oligarchs have decided to step forward to stand for election, though few predict them good results.

"I do not know what is to be of right, left or center. All slogans uttered, but do not offer anything constructive to change," said billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, owner of Club New Jersey Nets of the NBA.

Prokhorov last week became the first oligarch who decides to jump into politics since 2003, the year he was arrested the tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who paid dearly for their decision to fund opposition to the Kremlin.

The Russian businessman intends to lead the game Just Cause (CJ), which was created by the Kremlin in 2008 from the ashes of the conservative Union of Right Forces, representing the great capital, to rally the votes of the urban middle class.

Image. The oligarchs are very unpopular with the Russians, who relate their wealth with the fraudulent privatizations possoviéticas the end of the last century many Russians condemned to abject poverty.

During the recent financial crisis, tycoons Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska or lost much of their wealth accumulated in many cases thanks to stock market speculation, but that was not the case Prokhorov.

Moreover, a group of Russian citizens has proposed the imprisoned since 2005 Khodorkovsky, once the richest man in Russia, as the sole candidate of the opposition to the Kremlin in the presidential elections of 2012, which started collecting signatures on a website (www.khodorkovsky-president.ru).

"The figure of Khodorkovsky could unify not only liberals, but a significant part of the opposition, which must submit an application symbol of resistance that is relentless power," write the authors of the initiative.

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to flirt with NATO launched its first major raid on Ecuadorian

At least 15 blasts NATO allies have shaken the Libyan capital on Tuesday in what has been the largest operation air strikes since the start of military mission in Libya. According to the Gaddafi regime, the attacks have left at least three dead and 150 wounded, reported in its online edition the Washington Post.
The bombings have apparently reached the residential complex of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, although a government spokesman said it would have been a military officer in the military. He added that most of the victims were civilians living in the vicinity of the building affected by the attack.
planes and boats have been attacking military alliance cities and military installations from mid-March. NATO has been recent weeks planning to level in their offensive to protect the Libyan population, which asks Gaddafi leaves office.
Libyan Officials say that NATO is taking sides in a civil war and ensure that attacks on Gaddafi's residence are attempts to assassinate the Libyan leader.
For its part, France has announced it is looking to deploy helicopters to the area. With this operation, which would have the cooperation of the United Kingdom, would allow greater precision in the mission, but probably would expose troops to greater danger.

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Gaddafi travel to Washington to seek extension of ATPDEA

Ecuadorians A business delegation traveled yesterday to Washington to ask Congress U.S. to extend to your country tariff preferences Andean ATPDEA (for its initials in English), informed the Ecuadorian-American Chamber of Commerce.

Five entrepreneurs representing textile, fruit, bananas, tuna and broccoli, will meet from tomorrow until Friday with congressional advisers and U.S. producers, explained a spokeswoman for the House .

tariff preferences are included within the Trade Promotion Act and Drug Eradication Act ("Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act, ATPDEA), under which the U.S. government recognizes the efforts of the counter-narcotics in the Andean countries.

That program expired on February 12, and it is now Ecuador's exports to pay customs taxes when entering the United States.

President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, a month ago signed an agreement with Executive which gives a tax credit to compensate exporters lost preferences.

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The Obama visit to Queen Elizabeth II in England

Queen Elizabeth II of England today welcomed at Buckingham Palace to the U.S. president, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle, with a ceremony full of pomp and circumstance that marks the beginning of a state visit three days.

On a bright day and a slight breeze in London, after a greeting for the cameras at the arrival of the presidential couple, Obama and his wife, wearing a print dress in white, mint green and gray with matching belt and a bright pink bolero jacket sleeve three rooms, heard the national anthem from the west of the palace balcony. Beside

were Queen Elizabeth II, wearing a dress and light blue silk jacket with matching hat, and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.

Behind them were the heir to the British Crown Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, who selected for the occasion a bone-colored suit with matching hat.

then Prince Felipe accompanied Obama to reviewing the guard of honor of the queen, the First Battalion of the Scots Guards under the command and Rory Shannon, while the Queen and I watched Michelle Obama and talking quietly.

This battalion of the Scots Guard returned last October from the war in Afghanistan.

from the nearby Green Park on the 41 gun salute sounded reserved to greet a visiting head of state.

After completing the review, the honor guard marched to the leaders, while Obama praised the queen, in whispers, that the quality of military training.

Before the ceremony, Obama had met briefly with Prince William, the eldest son of Prince Charles and second in line of succession, and his new wife, Catherine.

It so happens that Obama will occupy during their stay of two nights at Buckingham Palace the same suite of six rooms in which the newlyweds spent their wedding night on 29 April.
According to a palace official said, "can not sleep in the same room, but is the same suite occupied by the Duke of Cambridge.

The president and his wife arrived in London last night, ahead of his landing in almost thirteen hours due to the ash cloud from the volcano Icelandic Grimsvoetn.

The protocol for a state visit provides that the president is staying at Buckingham Palace, but the unexpected development was that the head of state overnight at Winfield House, the U.S. ambassador's residence in London.

After an informal lunch with the British sovereign, Obama now plans to participate in a ceremony to lay a wreath at Westminster Abbey and receive the homage of the Queen at a state dinner.

will also meet briefly with British Prime Minister, David Cameron, leader of the opposition Labour Party, Ed Miliband.

On Wednesday, Obama held a bilateral Cameron completed, with which will offer a joint press conference, and deliver a speech on transatlantic relations before the British Parliament.

In his meeting with Prime Minister both are expected to address issues such as combating terrorism and the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan following the death last day 1 of the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden.

also address NATO's intervention in Libya, demanding civil unrest in the Middle East political changes and economic crisis. Both claim

today in a joint article published in the newspaper "The Times" that will support those in the Arab world and Middle East "aspire to freedom from repression."

"We will help those who laid the foundations of democracy. Because democracy and respect for human rights are good for the citizens of that region and they are also an essential part of the antidote to the instability and extremism that threaten our security" they write.
Obama is in London within a six-day tour of Europe that has already taken him to Dublin, during which will also visit France, to attend the G8 summit, and Poland. /

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Egypt Mubarak judge for premeditated murder of demonstrators

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, will be judged by judicial authorities of his country with his two sons, Ala and Gamal. The general prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmud accused of the premeditated murder of peaceful demonstrators during protests that erupted on 25 January.
The three defendants, who according to Egyptian law could be sentenced to death, are currently detained. The former head of state in a hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh, while their two children in the Tora prison in Cairo. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which ruled Egypt since Mubarak's departure, denied last week having studied the possibility of pardoning the deposed president, also accused of illicit enrichment, influence peddling and damage premeditated state funds.
The former head of state was arrested on April 13 in Sharm el-Sheikh with her two children. According to official figures, 846 people lost their lives during the popular revolt that overthrew the regime of Mubarak on 11 February.
Suzanne Thabet, wife of former president, was recently released after handing over a portion of their assets to the State after the Enrichment Department of the Ministry of Justice ordered his arrest.

Monday, May 23, 2011

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Mexico's Carstens will nominate the IMF

Governor of the Bank of Mexico, Agustin Carstens, yesterday became the first Latin American to aspire to succeed Dominique Strauss-Kahn at the head of the IMF (IMF) and break the European dominance in the body after Mexico announced it will propose for the post.

The succession process, which will be formally opened today, will in this way with at least one Latin American in the race, which may also have other candidates in the region.

So far, the Government of Chile has also publicly stated that studies to present a candidate who could be the former Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley, a possibility to be tested with "very positively," said Finance Minister, Felipe Larraín.

Other Latin American countries have not yet been delivered but Carstens (Mexico City, 1958) is today the second representative of an emerging country that aspires to lead the body.

Before him, Grigori Marchenko, Governor of National Bank of Kazakhstan, is in the race with the backing of Russia and the other 10 members of the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

So far, European countries are in favor of cohesion and present a consensus candidate.

French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde is the one who appears most likely on that front but could be considered the ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has presided IMF chief executive, the former head of the Bundesbank, Germany's Axel Weber.

Other names that have sounded in recent days as possible candidates are the Egyptian-born American of Mohamed El-Erian, the former Minister of Finance Manuel Trevol South African and even American FishCo Stanley, who was first deputy managing director of IMF ( 1994-2001).

So far, the IMF managing director was a European under a gentlemen's agreement between Europe and America that Americans left it to the election of the head of WB. Biographical

Governor of the Bank of Mexico, Agustin Carstens, was born on June 9, 1958 in Mexico City, and after studying at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM), a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago in 1985.

the late 90's, was appointed director general of Economic Research and chief of staff of the office of Governor of the Bank of Mexico. Hence

jumped to the IMF, and from 1999 to 2000 was CEO and Executive Board member representing Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

In December 2000, during the government of Vicente Fox, was named undersecretary of the Treasury under the orders of his former boss, Francisco Gil.

The August 1, 2003 reached the highest level of a Latin American to be appointed deputy managing director of IMF, a post he held until October 16, 2006.

also Deputy Governor for Mexico at the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank.

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Pakistani troops terminating the Taliban assault on a military base

Pakistani troops today took over, after 17 hours of combat, the assault on one of its main bases by a Taliban commander that killed at least ten members of the security forces.

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said in a televised news conference, the elite forces Navy, an institution that manages the air base attacked, killed by his party to three of the Taliban insurgents who stormed the compound, located in Karachi, the country's south. Another

assailants detonated the explosive charge that had been attached to the body and two "escaped", according to the minister, who confirmed the end of the assault on the airbase Mehran, where they were attacked two maritime patrol aircraft.

One aircraft was destroyed and another was damaged.

Malik added that at the time of the attack were 17 foreigners inside the base, eleven Chinese who cooperated in maintaining the base and six American contractors, not injured.

Information Minister of the Interior does not match the data sources provided by the Navy, before concluding that the attack claimed that thirteen members of the security forces were killed and that amounted to between ten and fifteen the "terrorists" made up the Taliban commander.

The Taliban Pakistan (TTP, which stands in urdu) has claimed the attack on the military base, which began last night with several bombings and shootings on campus.

The assault comes exactly three weeks after American elite commandos killed the last day 2 to Osama Bin Laden in the city of Abbottabad, near Islamabad, in a operation that the Taliban promised revenge attacks against Pakistan and the United States.

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Chile: Salvador Allende exhumed to clarify causes of death

An international team of forensic experts on Monday began the exhumation of the remains of President Salvador Allende to determine whether he committed suicide, killed him, murdered or died fighting the military coup in 1973.

Santiago On a cold morning, the forensics, the trial judge and the two daughters of the president, with a red rose in his hand, descended the steps leading to the coffin with the bones of Allende, in the family mausoleum.

The exhumation was ordered by Judge Mario Carroza, in April after receiving a report of the Medical Service Legal (SML) which states "inconsistencies" between the official autopsy report _ordenada by police golpistas_ and analysis of Allende's body in the place of his death, at the presidential palace of La Moneda.

"For justice in Chile is a historic day ... after so many years investigating the death of a character so important for Chile, Latin America and the world," said the lawyer human rights activist, Eduardo Contreras .

Contreras was the one who filed the first lawsuit in Chile against the dictator Augusto Pinochet by human rights violations during his regime, 1973-1990, which left 3,065 dead opponents.

"starts today a process that could end it finally determines that it was a suicide or a murder is. The important thing is to know the truth, "the lawyer added.

Several politicians who went to the cemetery had to leave the tomb to make room for work to the experts.

On completion of the skills in the tomb, the bones are removed, some 500 meters to the old building of the SML.

Allende The official autopsy was conducted not in the MLS, as required by local law, but in the otolaryngology department of Military Hospital and was "witnessed by a small group of persons "authorized by the military prosecutor, according to the evidence left by their authors, doctors and José Luis Tobar Tomás Vásquez. Tobar

committed suicide a few years later, Vasquez continued in the MLS during the dictatorship, the four governments and the current center-right President Sebastián Piñera.

The doctor and Master of Forensic Sciences Ravanal Luis told The Associated Press that, after comparing the autopsy report with the police experts held on September 11, 1973, concluded that "there are injuries of different nature, caused by weapons different. "

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intercept illegal immigrants in control to 131 south and central Mexico states that Obama

Mexican authorities intercepted 131 illegal, 124 American and 7 Chinese, three raids in the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi, the Interior Ministry reported.

In a statement, the agency reported that in total were found in the country 77 Guatemalans, 26 Hondurans, 21 Salvadorans and 7 Chinese. Of these twelve were children.

The Secretariat noted that the first of the operations were performed in Tapachula, in the southern state of Chiapas, another one on the Mexico-Piedras Negras, at the height of the state of San Luis Potosi in central Mexico, and the third in Oaxaca, also in southern Mexico.

None of the three cases reported date in which there was the interception of undocumented Mexican road, nor provided details of the conditions under which they were transferred.

However, the Government said that "anytime" respected "the dignity and human rights" of immigrants.

On the southern border of Mexico between 42 and 56 points of illegal entry, according to the Interior Ministry, which estimates that each year there are those places about 140,000 undocumented income.

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UN Palestinian state will not lose

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, said yesterday before pro-Israel groups in Washington that the UN votes ever created a State independent Palestinian and reiterated that his country's commitment to Israel's security is "unwavering."

Before the Annual Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs, the main Jewish lobby in the U.S., Obama made clear his full support to Israel. While

assumed that the UN would not create an independent Palestinian state, as demanded by the Palestinians and much of the international community, Obama called on Hamas to recognize Israel.

Obama also attacked the Palestinian reconciliation agreement between Fatah, which governs the West Bank, and Hamas, in charge of Gaza, saying it is "an major obstacle to peace.

U.S. President went further in his speech and said that peace can not be "imposed" on Israel and its neighbors. But he said that Israel should soon reach a peace agreement due to rapidly changing environment that we are living in Arab countries and population growth is occurring in the occupied territories, and can make it increasingly difficult to maintain peace. "We have to face some facts. The first is that the number of Palestinians living west of the Jordan River is growing rapidly, and fundamentally reshaped the demographic reality is both Israel and the Palestinian territories, "he said. "This makes it harder and harder, without a peace agreement, maintain Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," he added. And the third factor is the emergence of a "new Arab generation is reshaping the region. Achieving a just and lasting peace can no longer depend on one or two Arab leaders. Looking ahead, millions of Arab citizens who have to see that it is possible to achieve a lasting peace. "

On Thursday, Obama said he recognized that the borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state must be based on those of 1967, prompting an immediate response Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Yesterday, U.S. President hue and said his position was "distorted" and ignored his call to be made of land exchanges. This means that the parties themselves, Israelis and Palestinians negotiate a border that is different from that which existed on June 4, 1967, "he said.

On September 2 resumed peace talks between leaders of Palestine and Israel in Washington. The Palestinians called for an end to illegal settlements in Palestinian sacred territory. Requesting a moratorium on Israeli settlement in the West Bank while negotiations were developed of paz.Israel has steadfastly refused to meet with the Palestinian request, so far the dialogue remains stalled. The

invaded East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank, totaling 6,200 kilometers in total square of about 15 000 who initially belonged to the Palestinians, were the only territories that were in this village after the UN decided in 1948 from the territory to give a part of the new State of Israel.

Humanitarian Crisis,
During the Six Day War in June 1967, Israel invaded East Jerusalem, which had been assigned to Palestine. Currently, Gaza is a territory still keeps busy with a persistent and deepening humanitarian crisis due to economic and commercial blockade imposed by Tel Aviv for four years.

This lock remains closed border crossings necessary for Palestinian humanitarian assistance, food and fuel.

After the invasion of Israel to Palestinian territory, the Israeli government began building thousands of settlements in East Jerusalem. Troops and authorities there have been evicted from their houses of Palestinian residents by force. The Palestinians have 63 years trying to vindicate their right to exist as an independent state and regain the territory that Israel systematically taking away from them continues the force of arms, without the international community do something to stop it.

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Socialist municipal elections Sunday

In a day marked by massive protests and peaceful citizen's movement called 15-M, the conservative Popular Party (PP) Mariano Rajoy dealt a blow to the Socialist José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in the municipal elections held yesterday in Spain. With 62.28% of votes counted until the afternoon, the PP gets a 36.77% of the vote against the ruling English Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), with 27.87%. Izquierda Unida (IU) is the third most voted political force, with 6.17 percent of the vote.

With these results, PB awarded against the council 20,009 15,998 PSOE, the ruling party of the kingdom.

elections were held in 13 of the 17 regions of the country, all but Galicia, Basque Country, Andalusia and Catalonia.

these data are confirmed, "we'll be talking about the beginning of a new political era in the country," said Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, Ana killed, to make a first assessment of the results. "The PP will have gained a great victory," he said.

Since the PSOE electoral committee spokeswoman, Elena Valenciano, acknowledged that "not a good night for socialists. "

Valenciano said that his party is preparing for a "return" to "possibly" will mean the loss of municipal and regional governments across the country, which he attributed to "collective expression of a legitimate and understandable distress" by the economic crisis.


OUTRAGE IN SPAIN English people voted yesterday in a day marked by protests by the movement of the 'outraged' that took the most symbolic places in Spain, with Madrid's Puerta del Sol as the epicenter of protest, demanding political change and social.

The movement called 15-M, on the day the protests began, he ate the election campaign while asking not to vote in the two major political parties in Spain, PSOE and PP, which considers complicit in the economic crisis and social.

The spontaneous social movement for a week to protest against the political class in Spain decided yesterday to extend until Sunday camping in the emblematic Puerta del Sol de Madrid.

In a general assembly, the movement's representatives agreed to hold their camp in the heart of the English capital. Concentrates suggested establishing shifts for failing to exhaust the forces if the movement is too long and avoid diluting the group, organizers said, most young people who demand a real democracy.

To give permanence in time agreed to also take their claims to districts, municipalities and social networking, just where germinated also known as the English revolution or movement of indignation.

unpublished opinion of this popular platform, democracy has degraded so much that hardly concerned parties to continue in power or alternate in him, and now only serve the interests of economic elites they agree with.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

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Lobo signed the Cartagena Agreement and return to the OAS Honduras

President Porfirio Lobo signed on Sunday in Cartagena Agreement establishing the reinstatement of Honduras to the Organization of American States (OAS) and the return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

The official ceremony will be held in the Colombian city of Cartagena de Indias.

The ceremony also attended by the presidents of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, who along with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, from April 1 promotes mediation to resolve the political crisis arising from the sacking Honduran Zelaya in June 2009.

Chávez has not confirmed his attendance at the event.

A statement from Government House said that "with the signing of this agreement, President (Lobo) complies with the mandate given by the Honduran people at the polls in November 2009 in the sense of achieving national unity and reconciliation, and live in peace and tranquility" .

The Cartagena Agreement "be signed, in addition to Wolf, the Foreign Ministers Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Colombia Maria Angela Holguin, and Santos as witness of honor.

The statement said the decision to sign the agreement "are settled on Saturday night, after four days of intense negotiations between the parties involved.

"Lobo Sosa President reiterated that the firm the agreement shall be framed in the Constitution and other laws (in Honduras), "said Government House.

A Lobo accompany the Deputy Prime Minister Maria Antonieta Colombia Guillén and Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, Arturo Corrales.

The delegation will leave Tegucigalpa on a private flight at 13.00 GMT and will return to this capital on Sunday afternoon.

However, Wolf will make a stop in Managua to meet with Zelaya and his colleagues Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, Mauricio Funes El Salvador and Guatemala Alvaro Colom.

Zelaya (2006-2009), who lives in the Dominican Republic participated in Managua in Forum of Sao Paulo and has confirmed that returning to Tegucigalpa on 28 May. On the eve

, Wolf told reporters that "I already turned the four points required by the international community and now nobody is going to impose other conditions on things I do in my government ... and former President Zelaya can come anytime and do anything because nobody will take care of here. "

The Cartagena Agreement covers four issues: cessation of the persecution of Zelaya and his supporters and the country safe return, guarantees to call a constitutional process, respect for human rights and investigate possible violations and guarantees for zelayistas participate in political life and the the 2014 elections as a political party.

The Supreme Court suspended in early May two processes of corruption against the prosecution Zelaya began two years ago. Also three orders of arrest against him.

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The PP won the local elections in Spain

The conservative Popular Party (PP) has emerged as the winner of the municipal elections in Spain today, with 40.05 percent of votes counted, giving it a 35.60% of votes compared to 28 , 10 percent of the English Socialist Party (PSOE).

statewide scrutiny shows that Izquierda Unida (IU) obtained 5.88 percent of the vote, the moderate Catalan nationalist Convergence i Unio (CiU) 4.26 percent and the Basque separatist coalition Bildu 2.36 percent. Other training

minority, among which is Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD), created four years ago by the former Socialist MEP Rosa Díez, a 19.61 per cent.

In these elections, which were held under the pressure of thousands of demonstrators "outraged", especially young people, concentrating for a week in the main squares in the country to seek a political regeneration and social change, have voted by 63 , 31 percent, with an abstention rate of 36.69 percent.

These local elections are seen as a test of general elections scheduled for March next year, and are the first nationally held after the serious crisis in Spain since 2008.

The Election Committee spokesman Socialist Party government, Elena Valenciano, admitted that "it will not be a good night for the PSOE, as" possibly "have a loss of municipal and regional governments. Valenciano

blamed the economic crisis and its impact on the collective mood of the country a potential loss of electoral support for his party.

People's Party made a first assessment of the results, calling it "a great electoral victory" through its Deputy Secretary of Organization, Ana Mato, based on polls.

"If confirmed, these data would be talking about a new political era in Spain," he said in an appearance before reporters.

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President Chavez says that oversee the political settlement in Honduras

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday that will monitor compliance with the Agreement of Cartagena de Indias intended to allow the readmission of Honduras to the OAS and the return home of ousted President Manuel Zelaya.

Chavez, who has been an important ally of Zelaya since before he was toppled, said his Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro would witness the agreement. The president is suffering of a left knee injury that will hinder the movement and prevented him from performing earlier this month after hitting an international tour during a trot exercises.

"We will be very attentive to make it happen because we know there are internal forces in Honduras and external forces that will seek to boycott this agreement," Bush said during his weekly radio and television show "Hello President."

Honduras president, Porfirio Lobo, Zelaya security guaranteed to reside in the country and about 200 of his former staff to participate in politics on equal terms, in particular the People's National Front supporters grouping the former president.

Venezuela and Colombia from April prompted a mediation process to resolve the crisis that emerged in Honduras for the defenestration of Zelaya in June 2009 when he tried to seek changes in the Constitution in order to re-election.

"Zelaya told me so recently, will continue striving to achieve a constituent assembly in Honduras," Chavez said while he wished because they did not pursue the deposed president, his family or his followers.

The OAS suspended from her bosom to Honduras following the coup, but with the signing of the agreement, could return to the body at the general meeting from 5 to 7 June in El Salvador.

"That respect for human rights, to stop the persecution. Honduras thus opens the gates to democracy. We are pleased to assist us in this direction, "said Chavez.

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former Nicaraguan president Chamorro in serious condition by tumor in the head

The former Nicaraguan president Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (1990-1997) is in" serious condition "of health after being diagnosed with a" brain tumor " , his family reported today.

Chamorro Barrios's family said in a statement: "Dona Violeta has been diagnosed with a brain tumor," but nevertheless "is stable and in good spirits at home" in Managua.

In the letter, the family who was the first woman to Nicaragua presidential power are grateful to all those who have been awaiting the development of health exgobernante and in turn asked the media "to respect the privacy" family.

Barrios de Chamorro is, according to the latest survey, the best of the four governments that Nicaragua has had since 1985, while the current president, Daniel Ortega, is the worst.

The exgobernante is the widow of journalist Pedro Joaquin Chamorro Cardenal, former head of the opposition newspaper La Prensa, assassinated by gunmen Somoza in 1978.

Against all odds, Violeta Chamorro, candidate of the National Opposition Union (UNO), which brought to 14 games opposition from the moderate right to left, defeated Ortega, who was seeking reelection in the presidential elections of February 25, 1990.

Chamorro, retired from politics and dedicated to the tasks of your home, your grandchildren and great grandchildren, has four sons, Pedro Joaquin, Claudia Lucia, Christian and Carlos Fernando.

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Poverty in Peru fell to 31 percent in 2010

LIMA Peru's poverty rate dropped to 31.3 percent in 2010, representing a decrease of 17.4 percent since 2005 and a drop of 23.5 percent since 2001, according to A report released today by the National Statistics Institute (INEI) and endorsed by the World Bank. According

said the head of INEI, Anibal Sánchez, 9.2 million people in Peru are poor and spend less than the cost of the minimum consumption basket (food and other products), estimated at $ 95 a month.

According to these figures, more than 900,000 people out of poverty over the past year.

The country's poorest regions, with poverty rates between 55 and 66 percent, remain Huancavelica, Apurimac, Huanuco, Ayacucho and Puno, all in the southern highlands.

In the case of Huancavelica, the most critical area of \u200b\u200bthe country, poverty fell by 24 percentage points since 2005, the going from 90 percent to 66 percent between 2005-2010.

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At 76.64 percent of votes tallied on PP

The conservative Popular Party (PP) is the winner of the municipal elections held today in Spain, with 76.64 percent of votes counted, giving it a 37.22 percent of votes compared to 27 , 53 percent of the English Socialist Party (PSOE).

statewide scrutiny shows that Izquierda Unida (IU) gets a 6.27 percent of the vote, the moderate Catalan nationalist Convergence and Union (CiU) a 3.91 per cent and the Basque separatist coalition Bildu, which would become the second political force in the Basque Country, to 1.70 percent.

Other training minority, among which is Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD), created four years ago by the former Socialist MEP Rosa Díez, a 19.03 per cent.

With 71 percent of the votes counted, the Socialists lost the City Council of the emblematic city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwould win nationalist CiU.

In these elections were held under the pressure of thousands of demonstrators "outraged", especially young people, concentrating for a week in the main squares in the country to seek a political regeneration and social change.

These local elections are seen as a test of general elections scheduled for March next year, and are the first nationally held after the serious crisis in Spain since 2008.

The spokesman of the Election Committee of the ruling Socialist Party, Elena Valenciano, admitted that "it will not be a good night for the PSOE, as" possibly "have a loss of municipal and regional governments.

Valenciano blamed the economic crisis and its impact on the collective mood of the country a potential loss of electoral support his party.

People's Party made a first assessment of the results, calling it "a great electoral victory, through the Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, Ana Mato, after learning of the polls.

"If confirmed, these data would be talking about a new political era in Spain," he said in an appearance before reporters. EFE

Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Spain wins local elections Correa wins, but 'revive' the opposition in Ecuador

President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, won a referendum to reform the justice and regulate the press, but the slightest advantage over other processes encouraged the opposition which, though divided, believes he can overcome it if you search reelection in 2013, analysts estimate.

Correa, in office since 2007, earned his sixth win online election, winning nine of 10 proposals it submitted to consultation on 7 May with support from 51.6% and 56.4% of valid votes . The support ranged from 43.5% No to 48.3%.

In the heart of the referendum, the President managed to guarantee for a committee to reform the justice by purging it of "corrupt judges and negligent" and create an entity that regulates content of the press and setting up guidelines to further liability to media or journalists.

The tripartite commission, a government delegate, replaced by 18 months by the Judicial Council, which will be renovated its members down to five, including a representative of the executive, "that will guide the selection of judges and officials.

Correa, who faced the office with a popularity of 65%, "won in terms of legality but not legitimacy" to be "heating up the atmosphere with the assumption that it would be a landslide," said Hernan Reyes, a political scientist Andean University.

"triumphalism is always a bad adviser," said Alexei Paez, director of Research at the Andean Center for Strategic Studies.

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Netanyahu rejects idea of \u200b\u200bU.S. President

Proposal: Barack Obama suggested again to the borders prior to the Six Day War.

Washington-EFE .- The meeting between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu ended yesterday as it began: with the Israeli prime minister disagreed with the proposal of U.S. President to consider the 1967 borders as a basis for a Palestinian state.

two leaders met for 95 minutes, twice the scheduled time, alone in the Oval Office before interrupting their conversation to make a statement to the press and continue its dialogue with a working lunch.

In their statements, both stressed their willingness to cooperate but admitted the existence of "differences."

unbridgeable distance. With body language eloquent, Obama, distant and self-contained, pedagogical tone Netanyahu speaking to journalists as the president himself American-Israeli Prime Minister reiterated that it considers "indefensible" the 1967 borders.

Obama had proposed on Thursday in a speech on the Middle East in the State Department to consider a Palestinian state based on borders prior to the Six Day War "with mutually agreeable land swaps."

Netanyahu said that "Israel can not return to the 1967 lines, which are untenable, and do not take into account changes that have occurred on the ground, demographic, in the last 45 years. "

The Government wants peace but in such a way as to ensure the security of their country "and not endanger their survival," he said. "We do not have much margin for error. History does not give the Jews another chance, "he said.

Israeli Prime Minister also lashed out against Palestinian reconciliation agreement between Fatah, which governs the West Bank, and the radical group Hamas in charge of Gaza, which he described as "the Palestinian version of al Qaeda."

Netanyahu on Tuesday will give a speech before Congress U.S..

To highlight Barack Obama suggested that Israel should withdraw completely from the West Bank.

The president is convinced of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Benjamin Netanyahu

Fatah looks to choose peace ties with Israel.

The Premier also said that Palestinian refugees can not return to Israel.

Saeb Erekat, Palestinian, said that Netanyahu "is not a partner in the peace process." Important figures

1967 In that year, there was the call of the Six Day War. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Gaza, Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights.

1978 was the year after the signing of the Camp David accords between Anwar el-Sadat and Menachem Begin, Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt.

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removes 8 ships of NATO forces

NATO said yesterday that his attack against Libyan military vessels was due to the new tactics of the forces of Muammar al-Gaddafi, who have begun to use its naval units in an active and "very calculated" on the town of Misrata , Efe reported.

The attack was the product of "a change of tactics of pro-Gaddafi forces, with increased activity by naval units, said Major Mike Bracken, a spokesman for NATO operations during a press conference in Brussels.

Bracken recalled that Libyan fast units planted mines at the entrance of the port of the rebel city of Misrata in previous weeks, then sent a boat with a ton of explosives and a remote detonating device.

also said that the Libyan military vessels have been in previous weeks attitude "more aggressive" toward NATO naval units patrolling the coasts.

Gaddafi's forces are using "increasingly desperate tactics," said for its part, the deputy spokesman of NATO, Carmen Romero.

were sunk in the attack eight naval Libyan port of Tripoli, Al Khums and Sirte, and also hit a maintenance building for the Navy. Protesters

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Gaddafi protests continue in Yemen

opponents of the regime of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, participate in an act that demands elections and the departure of the president, in Sana'a, yesterday.

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Mexico: prison fire kills 14 in Syria

At least 14 inmates dead and 35 wounded is the preliminary assessment of a fire apparently caused by a short in a prison located in Apodaca, in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, said yesterday the fire department in the area.

Early data from the facts point that the incident began at dawn, shortly before 04.00 local time (09.00 GMT) in the psychiatric ward of the Centre for Social Rehabilitation of the city, making it collapsed the roof of the compound, located in this locality near Monterrey, capital of the state.

RESCUE. At first, the prison guards tried to control the conflagration, but that failed, they had to call firefighters, who managed to do 04.20.

Outside the prison were deployed police and military stationed in Apodaca and the Monterrey metropolitan area to guard the prison.

In the trance, the wounded, most of them intoxicated by the smoke, were moved to another area of \u200b\u200bthe prison.

Security spokesman of the state of Nuevo León, Jorge Domene, said it appeared the inmates who were in the area of \u200b\u200bpsychiatry were there due to overcrowding in the prison there, which led to it was adapted as a bedroom.

Outside the jail and military police were deployed to guard the prison.

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disturbances caused 32 deaths

At least 32 people were killed in Syria in a new day of political protests that were suppressed by security forces in a dozen cities and small towns across the country, according to human rights activists. Razan

Zeituna, an advocate of so-called Local Coordination Committees, which gather information on protests and police action, told Efe that until late yesterday afternoon, the death toll reached 32 people.

According to this organization, the largest number of victims occurred in suburbs of central cities of Hama and Hams, with dozens of deaths in each place.

DECEASED. These victims include a 11 year old boy and a 16, according to the reports of the Local Coordination Committees, which provide the names of all victims Yesterday's fatal.

addition to victims of Hama and Homs, there were four deaths in a suburb of Damascus, cabbage, and the other victims were in the towns of Sanamein, 30 miles south of the capital, and near Dera, near to the Jordanian border.

All reports obtained by opposition activists and human rights organizations can not be contrasted by official restrictions imposed by the regime of Bashar al-Asad told reporters.

The Damascus regime imposed a tight control of information, expelling foreign journalists, and detained Syrian reporters working with international media.

There were also demonstrations in the towns of northern, central and southern Iraq, where there is a strong concentration of people of Kurdish origin. To highlight

Bashar al-Assad accused foreign countries and groups interested in creating instability in Syria

Obama said that Assad "has the opportunity to lead the transition or out of the way." Important figures

1,000 deaths recorded since mid-March because of a series of political protests. Most of them were civilians and opposition activists.

20 are cities and towns in the Arab country where demonstrations have been made against President Bashar al-Assad, calling for elections.

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Wave of demonstrations Chile looming

With slogans of "All the streets" and "That all Chile is pronounced" students and workers organizations called for protest marches against the Government for this weekend.

"We will express ourselves as we want to express: very hard for the government to listen," said the president of the National Association of Public Employees, Raúl de la Puente, whose union joined the call for protest on Saturday May 21 , coinciding with the annual review of La Moneda.

De la Puente has not ruled out even in such demonstrations emphasize the suppression of the forces police, but will not prevent, he said, as massive are demanding better working conditions, justice for the Mapuche people and to the commercialization in education. "There will be more repression, but we will not be afraid. They are going to be, I believe, the most massive demonstrations that occurred in recent years in the May 21 celebrations," he said. Forces

environmentalists for its part argued that today there will be acts of civil unrest in several cities, in particular against Hidroaysén energy megaproject.

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Broadcast posthumous message from Osama bin Laden

The late leader of Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden praised the speed of Tunisia and Egypt in a posthumous message broadcast yesterday on an Islamist site, which urges its followers to support efforts to bring down more "oppressors."

Earlier, the Taliban killed 35 civilians working in the construction of a road in Afghanistan.

In a 12-minute audio recording and a half transmitted from a web page which often pick up messages from Al Qaeda and related groups, bin Laden said: "Tunisia (...) lit revolution and the fall of the tyrant, have fallen humiliation, servitude and passivity, and have awakened the meanings of freedom, pride, courage and initiative and the winds of change hit Tahrir (in Egypt). "

Al Qaeda leader died on 2 May in a U.S. military operation in Abbottabad, a town near the Pakistani capital, Islamabad.

The posthumous recording, the terrorist leader calls the popular revolt in Egypt, which began Jan. 25 and ended on February 11 with the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, "a great revolution, which is crucial for Egypt and for all the umma (nation). "

also sent a message to 'free revolutionaries everywhere, "in which he describes as" gentlemen and officers "and asked them to insist on taking the initiative and follow the path to the target. "Your revolution is the hope of the bereaved and injured, "says Bin Laden.

Moreover, a Taliban attack ended yesterday with the lives of 35 Afghan civilians and wounded more than 20 working in the construction of a road in the eastern province of Paktia.

Eight insurgents were killed when confronted by security guards of the building, the Afghan Glaxy Sky, in a late night incident in Wazi Zadran district, said provincial spokesman of Paktia , Rohullá Samún.