was finally reached on the operation of the sum of the previous article. Tuvo lugar el 26 de marzo de 2011 en la capital española, especificamente en el Palacio de Deportes. Allí encontramos a un Roger Waters, viejo por el paso del tiempo en su cuerpo pero a la vez un joven que parecía que estaba estrenando su ópera rock denominada "The Wall" como hace 30 años ya. ¿Qué decir de este espectáculo? A esta suma donde se aúnan la música y la educación se sumó otro factor: la puesta en escena del siglo XXI con un sonido cuadrafónico, proyectores de última tecnología,...
Con el curriculum de Waters se puede apreciar su brillante a composer, but one aspect was still doubting his role was instrumental (as musician), playing the bass, which was confirmed by performing a piece with a brass: trumpet if more or less.
Therefore, Waters say you're a great respect both for musicians, songwriters, ... to educators because it illustrates in a masterpiece that educational ideology that emerged in those glorious years in which they debated the role of teachers and school. You were the spokesman or the ambassador of the New School and other authors and desecolarización libertarian pedagogy, you used the medium of music and notes instead of writing their letters.
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